Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I know I said....

So, I know that I left you in my last blog thinking that the next one was going to involve stories of my great summer vacations. But, I am still learning how to format the photos into the blog...but I need to vent for just a minute...

So, one thing that I hate in life is those little things that everyone likes to call "Life Lessons". They kinda, well there is no other way to say it, suck.
Right now I am stuck right in the middle of one of these sucky things.
In April I moved in with one of my good friends that I have known since grade school or before. I thought that this was going to be a great opportunity to make a good friendship even stronger...apparently not. It has done the exact opposite. I am the type that avoids confrontation at all times, so as I have been struggling with this...she has had absolutely NO CLUE. About 2 weeks into us moving in together she started dating this guy...within another month he had moved in with her on her side of the apartment. UGH is all I have to say now, then, I said it was fine because it meant cheaper rent on my part...

If I only would have foreseen how things were going to end up, with me feeling hurt because there is NO room for me to even put a damn thing in the refrigerator because clearly Sam's Club is the only place they shop so there may be 3 cases of water in the fridge!!! REALLY?!?! I feel like I have just been slowly, or even rapidly who knows pushed out of my own apartment...

So today, finally to the life lesson, I threw in my white towel. I let her know that I would finish my responsibilities there and that I would soon be out of THEIR way.

Friday, August 21, 2009

I told you from the beginning....

So I forewarned all the readers of my blog back in November that I was incredibly horrible at blogging. I believe I have proved my point as my last entry was some 8 and 1/2 months ago in December...(wow, I had no clue I was that terrible.)

Alot...and I mean alot has happened in those 9 months of my life, let me catch you up...

In February, I fell in love, and how perfect is it that it was the day before Valentine's???
Aaron, has become a huge part of my life these days as we look forward to the future we wish and want to share with each other.

I have also changed jobs which has allowed me to focus more on what I want and is actually giving me means to obtain those goals.

School is rockingly awesome, classes are more hands on than anything and that means TONS of kitchen time and lab experience. I have learned so many things and gotten to teach a couple of my own things to students.

My family has remained being just as great as before, my sister's family cell has moved to Las Cruces (White Sands), so that makes them REALLY close, which I REALLY enjoy that. I am getting to see the little one's even more these days. And who wouldn't be excited or thrilled about that?

I am tremendously excited about this next semester as I go throughout school and continue on with all that I am doing...
Read all about my summer Vaca's in my next blog...

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas is all around us...come on and let it snow.

So...Christmas really is just a matter of days away now. The weather is starting to get a little chillier and lights are up all over town...
But, why is it that I have heard so much this year about not getting into the "Christmas" spirit?
Is that really a spirit that you have to "get into". As I started pondering this question, some things came to mind...

1. What is the reason we celebrate Christmas?
2. What is the "Spirit" of Christmas, anyways?
3. Does it have to be the month of December to be in this "Spirit"?

1. The Birth of our Lord and Savior...duh.
2. Giving, Love, Joy
3. This answer should be NO.

So why is it that we feel like we can only be giving creatures days 335-359 of the year??? People have blamed not being able to get into the spirit on our economy, and other invalid excuses. Since when did just loving someone cost you anything monetarily?
My movement for this next year is let's just make it Christmas all year round. I don't mean that we have to give presents to each other everyday, but why not give the gifts of love, joy and just a simple smile to anyone you come in contact with.

Let's try doing that days 1-365 next year.
Have a Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

First Attempt

So...this is my first attempt at blogging, well besides the horrible myspace blogs that are incredibly spaced out and not even thought through completely I am sure.
So, I thought I would attempt trying to stay faithful to this blog and jotting in a few notes within my weeks.

The past year has been pretty crazy for me, as I think about how 2008 is already coming to an abrupt end...I have dated a few guys, tried out the whole eHarmony thing, it was a pretty good experience and one of my really good friends I actually met there, he just was not the one for me. (But, any girl will be blessed to have Jeremy in the end.) I took last semester off from school, and tried to "find" what I wanted to do, thought I had found out, then after TONS of prayer and thinking things through I am going to Culinary school.
My last day of work for the hospital is next Friday, which I am super excited about, however it could have been fun to blog about my fun days with the old doctor who hates me, but most of the time that feeling is pretty mutual. I will just be working full time at Casa Ole and also going to school full time taking a total of 24 hours throughout the semester, I AM PUMPED!!!(to say the least)

I became an aunt(again) to a beautiful baby girl, Auora Nicole...Rory, and she is precious. My nephew turned 3, can't beleive its been 3 years since he was born, he is growing up so fast.

I went to see the New Kids on the Block in concert with my BFF Courtney, it was an amazing weekend of fun, shopping, and 10pm beer runs to the stop and go in San Marcos, TX. I went to the college game of the year with Texas Tech and Texas playing in Lubbock...that was a fun weekend.
I have made some new friends, reunited with some old ones, and gotten rid of some people in my life that were more or less burdens...

Hopefully I will be able to express my loves to you throughout this blog. I am kinda quirky at times and I tend to be tons of fun(if I do say so myself). I love to people watch and if this thing has anything to do with the thoughts underneath all these curls...then it might be somewhat entertaining for the both of us. I find joy and pleasure in things like retail therapy and napping. I am VERY busy most of the time, but somewhat well organized...(to my standards.)

I look forward to the New Year and the new path, I will keep you posted!!!
God Bless and have a wonderful day!